Where children

Learn as they play

Early education is the key to success

We are a licensed childcare center located in Twin Lakes, WI offering care to children ages 10 weeks through age 5. Here at The Summit Learning Center we pride ourselves in creating an enriching, loving, safe and educational environment for your children. We believe that children learn best through play-based and child-directed experiences. All children deserve a chance to explore, make friends, learn, and have fun!

Sensory Experiences

Children learning through sensory play is imperative to their development and offers children the key to guide their exploration of the world.

Outdoor Play

Children learn problem solving, self-exploration, decision making, number relationships, structures, vocabulary, cause and effect, and the natural world by playing outside!

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Science Experiences

Science education activities provide children with opportunities to develop and practice many different skills and attributes. These include communication skills, collaborative skills, team working and perseverance, as well as analytical, reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Music and Movement

Music-making and movement are a vital learning experience for young children. Children need to move their body to prepare their brain for learning. Music and movement gives children a sense of self and is a way for them to connect with themselves!


Dramatic Play

Using their imagination and playing with others is a great way to learn creativity, problem solving skills, boost vocabulary, develop confidence and it’s FUN!

Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills involve the use of the small muscles that control the hand, fingers, and thumb. They help children perform important tasks like feeding themselves, grasping toys, buttoning and zipping clothes, writing, drawing, and more. The ability to complete self-care and every day tasks help to increase a child’s self esteem and confidence.

Process Art activities

Process Art for Early Childhood is focused more on the act of making, experimenting, and discovering, rather than the art product itself. Children use exploration to discover new materials, techniques, and tools in an open-ended way that encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative learning
